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llama trekking on the north great inca trail

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llama trekking on the north great inca trail

6 days

Embark on a journey through time as you explore one of the best-preserved portions of the Great Inca trail that connected Cusco, the ancient ceremonial capital of the Inca Empire, with Tomebamba, her northern sister city that is modern-day Cuenca, Ecuador. Explore over 70 km. of the main artery of the greatest road network in Pre-Columbian Latin America, speckled with archaeological sites in the remote landscapes of Northern Peru’s Central Andes. We’ll begin with a visit to Chavín de Huantar, a mysterious temple where ancient religious ceremonies took place over 3,000 years ago. We will immerse in diverse natural landscapes, crossing the Continental Divide and trek across two departments: Ancash and Huánuco, experiencing amazing vistas along the journey. On our last day we’ll arrive at Huánuco Pampa, the largest Inca administrative center outside the department of Cusco where we’ll marvel at feats of engineering achieved by a civilization whose abilities with stonecutting and placement remain unmatched to this day. This amazing trek will challenge, delight, and inspire you.

travel itinerary

season: April - October
group departuresEvery last Sunday
mininum: 2 passengers
maximum: 12 passengers
Pet Friendly
shared plan
private plan
shared plan:You will travel with other adventurers heading to the same destination.

We leave Huaraz in the morning by vehicle and head for Chavín de Huántar, an ancient and mysterious temple located in the Peruvian Andes. On the way, we will pass typical Andean villages such as Recuay, Ticapampa, and Catac, accompanied by a backdrop of snow-capped peaks. We will take a short break at Lake Querococha (3980m.) where we can take photos and enjoy a cup of coca tea. Passing through the Tunel de Cahuish (4,555m), we reach the site of Chavín, located just outside town at the confluence of two rivers: the Mosna and the Huanchecsa, at 3140m. Some of the earliest Andean cultures can be traced to the ceremonial complex of Chavín de Huántar. This fascinating temple was probably built between 900-200 years B.C. and was the religious center of the Chavín population. Impressive stone sculptures and artistic reliefs characterize this mysterious place, which was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985. We will visit the Chavín Museum, which holds many artifacts found at the site, some dating as early as 1200 B.C. While some of these artifacts emerged from the Chavín culture, others were brought from afar, demonstrating that people made long pilgrimages to this ceremonial center. Chavín is an important location for learning about the origins of Andean culture, which is counted among the world’s six “cradles of civilization.” Overnight in the town of Chavín de Huantar.

Bus ride: 105 km (65.24 mi)
Time: 2.5 hours

We will drive toward the village of Castillo, where we’ll begin our hike towards Tambillo, our first campsite. We will explore Soledad Tambo, an Inca site located in Peru’s northern highlands. The principal feature of this site is an ushnu, a ceremonial platform with a stone lined basin. Typically found in conquered or non-Inca territories, ushnus had sociopolitical significance, and provided a place for an Inca administrator to receive conquered people, distribute libations, and perform sacrifices. Upon departing from Soledad Tambo, we will continue our trek on the Great Inca Trail, at times a wide, stone-paved road over otherwise vast, open, Andean puna grasslands, until we reach a crossroads. Here we will have the chance to take a short detour to visit the qolqas at Waqanku. These ancient stone storehouses were used to amass food, clothing, and other items in anticipation of times of scarcity. We will spend the night at Tambillo, (4130m) located just below the Waqankupunta pass.

Trekking distance: 9.1 km (5.65 mi)
Time: 7 - 8 hours

We now continue our slow ascent toward the Waqankupunta Pass at 4,385 masl (14,386 fasl) before descending toward the village of Taulli, where we will enjoy a snack. After a brief respite, we will continue over a smaller pass before reaching Queñuajirca at 4,090 masl (13,420 fasl), a beautiful lookout located at the top of a hill. Afterwards, we will descend towards the town of Ayash, a fast-developing town due to the presence of Antamina, one of the largest copper mines in the world. Antamina’s expanding footprint threatens the permanence of this tract of the Great Inca Trail. Leaving the hustle and bustle of Ayash behind, we’ll ascend to Pampa Huamani, where we will spend the night at 4330m.

Trekking distance: 17.3 km (10.75 mi)
Time: 8 hours

We will climb a set of seemingly endless stone steps on a wide trail, ascending past the reach of modern civilization toward the pass at Huamanipunta (4,448 masl /14,593 fasl). This pass traverses the continental divide between the Pacific and Amazon sides, and is located at the border of two provinces, Ancash and Huánuco. We will descend until reaching the Taparaco River Valley, where we will observe herds of roaming sheep and alpacas. We will arrive at Tambo Grande Archaeological Center. The tambos (circular shelters) were built and adapted to accommodate individual travelers, groups, or caravans of llamas. Here, travelers and soldiers could rest from their journeys. After exploring for a bit, we will enjoy lunch, and then hike down to Tambo Chico, where we will spend the night at 4050 masl.

Trekking distance: 16.1 km (10.00 mi)
Time: 7 - 8 hours

We will continue our trek along the Great Inca Trail down the Taparaco River Valley, a unique cultural landscape where we will appreciate the marvels of Inca engineering as evidenced by bridges, terraces, and culverts that allow water to pass under sections of the road. We’ll hike through marshlands on our way down a narrow river valley bordered on both sides by rocky outcroppings. We may observe herds of alpacas and sheep grazing in the distance. Before arriving at our next campsite we’ll stop by a small village school. Then we’ll visit the Taparaco Archaeological Center, built by the ancient Cajamarca people. Here, we’ll observe irrigation systems, canals, and stone engravings and petroglyphs carved into the rocks. After exploring the site, we will continue our trek, arriving at San Lorenzo de Isco (3,721 masl / 12,208 fasl), where we’ll camp for the night.

Trekking distance: 15.8 km (9.82 mi)
Time: 6 - 7 hours

A short hike up the valley toward Estanque and then down toward Colpa (3330m) in the Vizcarra River Valley brings our glorious trek to an end. We will hop in our vehicles for a short drive toward Huánuco Pampa, an important administrative center that boasts fantastic Imperial-style Inca masonry throughout its carefully planned urban sectors. Beautifully carved pumas, monkeys, and reptiles adorn the stone walls and doorways of the site. After lunch and a tour around the site, we will climb aboard our vehicle to start the drive back to Huaraz.

Bus ride: 170 km (105.63 mi)
Time: 5:30 hours
Trekking distance: 12.9 km (8.02 mi)
Time: 4-5 hours
Our safety standards are the best in the business
  • Transportation
  • Professional bilingual guide
  • Double occupancy tents with Thermarest sleeping pads
  • Guided tour in Chavin and Huanuco Pampa
  • Lunch in Chavin on day 1... keep reading
no included
  • Personal travel insurance
  • Dinner in Huaraz on Day 5
  • Laundry service
  • Airline tickets
  • Sleeping bags (rent available)... keep reading
what to take
  • Regular and long wicking first layer for cold weather, like polyester, nylon, or merino wool
  • Short-sleeved shirts or t-shirts, breathable fabrics, like nylon and polyester
  • Light-colored long-sleeved shirts or t-shirts
  • QuickDry Pants, trekking pants, and shorts
  • Insulated long-sleeve jacket (fleece, synthetic, down, merino wool)... keep reading
Personal First-Aid Kit
On each trip we carry a medical kit, but we suggest you bring a small personal First-Aid Kit for bruises and blisters. Knee and ankle braces are sometimes useful especially if you suffer from weak knees or ankles. Include any special medication your doctor might suggest for you.


$1,700.00/6 days and 5 nights
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