vips who visited the famous machu picchu image

Vips who visited the famous machu picchu

vips who visited the famous machu picchu

Machu Picchu is one of the best tourist destinations in the world so, it is no surprise that celebrities around the globe are attracted to its mysticism and beauty. Although many famous folks have gone incognito in order to be able to enjoy their trip in anonymity, there are some who failed to go unnoticed, or who simply wanted to share their experience at the Inca citadel with their followers. Here are some celebrity figures who have visited the famous Machu Picchu.

ExplorandesAbr 22, 2024

Antonio Banderas

The renowned Spanish actor came to Peru to promote one of his fragrances. However, he was unable to resist the allure that surrounds the famous Machu Picchu and he decided to hike the Inca Trail with his daughter, Stella.


Alejandra Guzmán

She decided to return to Peru after 17 years to give a concert in the capital, Lima. When she arrived, she took a detour to Cusco and completed a trek to the famous Machu Picchu.


Pablo Neruda

In 1943, the celebrated Chilean poet visited the Inca monument and was so fascinated that he later wrote his work entitled “The Heights of Machu Picchu,” inspired by his experiences at the Inca citadel.


Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow is another celebrity who visited the ancient Inca citadel. Known for her roles as Pepper Potts in Iron Man and Viola de Lesseps in Shakespeare in Love, Gwyneth Paltrow won an Oscar for best actress for the latter role. Ms. Paltrow not only visited the citadel but also ventured to complete the trek to Machu Picchu alongside her family.


Ernesto Guevara

The revolutionary 'Che Guevara' visited Cusco in 1952 and did not miss the opportunity to vist the famous Machu Picchu. He later described the Inca citadel as 'the pure expression of the most powerful indigenous race in all of America' in his book, 'The Motorcycle Diaries.'


Jim Carrey

The charismatic actor did not miss the opportunity to trek the Inca Trail during his visit to Peru People who traveled with him recount that he was particularly fascinated with Huayna Picchu, one of the two peaks that dominate the ancient Inca city; its name in Quechua means 'young mountain.' In addition, it is said that he was among the most enthusiastic of visitors to this ancient wonder of the world, shouting 'I’m the king of the world!' upon reaching its summit.


One Direction

Members of the band One Direction, Liam Payne and Harry Styles, visited the famous Machu Picchu along with their production team after finishing their show in Lima. Liam Payne was quoted as saying that they were on their way to 'Machu Picchu for some Inca fun.'


Seth Green

Seth was not only fascinated by the Inca wonder, but even teased his girlfriend, the actress Clare Grant, by hiding a Lego doll among the stones for her. He tweeted 'I hid it in Machu Picchu for you. Let me know when you find it. ' Seth got into a slight bit of trouble for his mischief, as there are strict guidelines about leaving items at the Inca citadel.



All of these celebrities visited the famous Machu Picchu, demonstrating the great interest that exists among people far and wide to experience this amazing attraction. Its allure is so compelling that famous folks took time out from their busy agendas o spend time there. You will be in great company when you grab the chance to experience the trek to Machu Picchu for yourself. Please contact us or send us an email at for details of this trip and we will respond promptly.

Plan exploreInca Trail to Machu Picchu
Plan exploreDestino Cusco
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